Internews Network, a non-profit organization, was established in July 1982 in accordance with USA Governing Non-Profit Organizations of California, USA. Internews Headquarter is located in California and has branches in Washington DC, USA, Thailand, France, Kenya; and office representatives in more than 30 countries worldwide.
Purpose of the Call
Internews announces a limited competition for funding to support projects that promote freedom of expression and access to information in Cambodia.
Internews seeks programs that are creative and innovative that contribute to the following objectives:
Objective 1: Professional and citizen journalists safely and effectively report on community needs and development
Objective 2: People in Cambodia have increased access to diverse sources of non-biased, fact-based information of public interest
Objective 3: Professional and citizen journalists effectively pursue their work on freedom of express and access to information, and advocate for a legal framework that respects their work
Example of activities can be as following:
Application Process
How to Submit Your Application
Submit the following documents to the email address provided in the contact details.